Hi, I’m Katie!

baby prep checklist

I’m a Mom of two girls, and passionate about helping other women confidently embrace their calling of becoming “Mom”. I love answering all the first time mom questions and meeting you in the places where I once stood and really struggled (i.e. infertility, ectopic pregnancy, IUI, postpartum pre-eclampsia, newborn jaundice and rapid weight loss, breastfeeding challenges, learning how to pump, baby acid reflux and a loooong road of baby sleep challenges).

This place was created out of service to help you find confidence and encouragement in your motherhood journey. You got this, Mama!

Activate ‘Mom Mode’.

Get to Know Me

Best advice I’ve received as a Mom: YOU WERE MADE TO BE YOUR BABY’S MAMA. God chose you for your baby, and chose your baby for you. No one knows what your baby needs better than you do. ❤️

Favorite trip with baby: We love to travel and have welcomed our babies into our adventures. We spent 3 weeks in Europe when our oldest daughter was just 4 months old and we have the best memories ever from that trip!! ✈️

Top Mom hack: Ooooh anything related to making pumping easier and more efficient. 1) Getting 3 sets of pump parts so you don’t have to wash every day. 2) Keeping pump parts in the refrigerator between pump sessions. 3) Using the Pitcher Method to store and organize milk. I have lots of pumping hacks to share with you! 🍼

Favorite non-motherhood related hobby: I love to build and paint! My favorite thing I’ve built is our outdoor sofa. We’re in the process of renovating our house so I’m getting lots of good practice. 🔨

How becoming a mom has changed my perspective on life: I appreciate the small ordinary moments as the big extraordinary ones. Children open your eyes to the wonders of the world again. Suddenly things like tree leaves become exciting again. 🌱

Pregnancy cravings: With my first baby, I craved cereal and Pop-Tarts and with my second baby, it was Subway and mini sausage biscuits. 🥪

Most unexpected thing about motherhood: I definitely underestimated the amount of my children’s bodily fluids I’d be covered in. 🙃

Let’s Be Mom Friends!

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