Prepare for your first baby and enter motherhood with confidence and clarity.


One day you’re pregnant and two days later (or sooner) you’re sent home with this tiny little newborn and no personal nurse to answer to your questions or calm your nerves when something comes up. Yeah, soak that in for a sec. Motherhood is full of ups and downs, and the truth is you can both follow your motherly intuition through it and wisely prepare for what’s to come. Welcome to the Baby Prep Toolkit.

The Baby Prep Toolkit

is a comprehensive guide to preparing for your baby’s arrival. No more guesswork - I’ve done the research for you. The exact resources, systems, and checklists I used to prepare for both of my babies, I’m giving to you in the Baby Prep Toolkit.

Does this sound like you?

— Preparing for a baby sounds stressful.

— You’re an over-planner. Or you’re just not a planner.

— You’ve been searching Google or Pinterest for baby prep checklists, learning how to pump, hospital bag packing lists, breastfeeding information, etc.

— You feel like you don’t have the time to get it all done.

…If so, you’re in the right place, Mama!

According to a study led by leading baby brand Munchkin,

On average it takes most new moms 4 months and 23 days to adjust to motherhood, a new baby and a new lifestyle.

It’s not uncommon for new moms to experience:


Sleep deprivation from feeding your newborn every 2-3 hours, recovering from childbirth, hormonal changes, and the emotional stress that comes with the new responsibilities of motherhood can cause extreme fatigue.

Postpartum anxiety or depression

Sometimes the stress and overwhelm from worrying about your new baby’s health, safety, and care can manifest itself into constant anxiety or a serious form of depression (that can be managed with the right support).

Physical health issues

Postpartum preeclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, infections, and blood clots are a few of the risks that come with childbirth. While not all women will experience complications from birth, it’s important to be aware.

Breastfeeding complications

Breastfeeding is a learned practice for first time moms and common challenges such as latch issues, engorgement, cracked or sore nipples, clogged ducts, and mastitis can occur throughout your feeding journey.

A lot of postpartum happens to you, and while you can’t control everything you’re about to experience, you can put systems and preparations in place to counterbalance the uncontrollable.

That’s where the Baby Prep Toolkit comes in.

Preparing for a baby during your pregnancy means preparing for postpartum too, removing unnecessary stress and overwhelm for when your baby is here so you can focus on the big things and enjoy more of those sweet moments with your newborn.

I’ll help you get prepared and organized for motherhood with the Baby Prep Toolkit.

At the end of this program, you will…

Feel organized and thorough in your baby prep with all of the to-do’s you’ll need to check off prior, during, and after your baby’s arrival. Organized in an easily digestible timeline format to guide you step by step through pregnancy into the first weeks of bringing your baby home.

Be set up for breastfeeding success by knowing what to expect of breastfeeding at birth, tips for a successful journey, challenges you may encounter along the way and what do about them, how to ensure your newborn is gaining healthy weight, and how to safely store and prepare breast milk for your baby.

Be ready to pump by learning how use your breast pump, how to care for your pump parts, when to start pumping, and how to establish a pumping routine whether you are looking to build a freezer stash, go back to work, or exclusively pump.

Be prepared for the hospital with everything you’ll need for labor and delivery, postpartum, breastfeeding, and your baby.

Smoothly transition into bringing a baby home with guidance and checklists for prepping your nursing station, postpartum care kit, and household essentials to stock up on before your baby arrives.

Confidently take on outings with your baby with everything you need for your diaper bag from newborn to toddler stages.

Additionally, you'll receive the stress-free breast pump ordering guide ($19 value) for free. Take the stress out of ordering a breast pump with a clear, step-by-step approach to understanding your insurance coverage, choosing the right breast pump, and maximizing your benefits.

I’ve been where you are (twice).

Welcoming a new baby into your world can feel…like a lot. I, too, felt a little lost when it came to preparing for my first baby, which is why I’ve created the Baby Prep Toolkit to help YOU feel confident as a first time mom. I’ll guide you through the next several months of pregnancy and bringing home baby with the exact resources, systems, and checklists I used to prepare for both of my babies - requiring less of your time, energy, and without the added stress.

The Baby Prep Toolkit


A pregnancy through bringing home baby planning strategy done for you to remove the research overwhelm and ease you into motherhood.

Baby prep checklist for each trimester, delivery, and bringing home baby

Breastfeeding 101: know what to expect, tips for success, common challenges and what to do about them

Pumping 101: learn how to use your breast pump, care for your pump parts, and how to establish a pump routine

Safely store and prepare breast milk for your baby

Understand newborn health and weight gain, track feedings and diapers

Prep your nursing station

Prepare for postpartum care

Pack for the hospital

Stock up household essentials before baby arrives

Pack your diaper bag

Order your breast pump with the stress-free breast pump ordering guide ($19 value) included for free.





“The information in the BPT is very practical and easy to digest compared to most out there.”

Before BPT, I was overwhelmed with the amount of unorganized information on "what to do" and "what not to do" in almost every topic imaginable. The entire process is hard especially as a first time mom. BPT was organized and very thorough so that it’s not overwhelming. I really appreciated the pictures, charts, and labeling throughout the Toolkit, especially when it came to breast pumps and related information, because I am a visual learner and it made it very easy to reference back to. I was able to read a section a day to easily retain and understand all the new information. I love the toolkit aspect of it because it was less intimating and easier to start that a large book or online course.

Why choose the Baby Prep Toolkit?

  1. You will save HOURS from searching the internet and creating your own checklists.

  2. You get to work at your own pace.

  3. No time or effort is required to get started; the program is in your hands as soon as your hit sign up.

  4. The program is yours forever so you can reuse baby after baby.

  5. You’ll learn the most important information to get you ready for a baby and make the postpartum period less overwhelming.

  6. You’ll end the program feeling confident to bring home a new baby and ready to take on your new role as mom.


If you’re thinking…

I’ve never done this before, how am I supposed to know what I don’t know??

I’m spending so much time googling and researching!

How will I get all of this done before the baby gets here?

I need an experienced mom to ask all my questions to…

There’s so much to learn as a first time mom.

…then BPT is right for you!

The Baby Prep Toolkit

Get It Now

baby prepping

The planning tools to prepare you for motherhood and bringing home baby.

Complete baby prep checklist

Breastfeeding 101

Pumping 101

Newborn health and weight gain / tracking feedings and diapers

Safely storing and preparing breast milk

Organize your nursing station

Prep for postpartum care

Pack for the hospital

Stock up household essentials

Pack your diaper bag

+ Order your breast pump with the stress-free breast pump ordering guide, included for free.
