5 Baby Registry Mistakes to Avoid

tips for creating a baby registry

Creating a baby registry is an exciting task for expecting moms. I mean, who doesn’t love picking out tiny cute outfits?? However, creating a baby registry can also be overwhelming with all of the options and cost, which is why I’m providing you top tips for creating your baby registry. It’s important to start your baby registry early on to create space for yourself to do your homework, change your mind, and feel confident and excited about the products you have chosen.

If you haven’t started your baby registry yet, are just getting started, or even if you are almost done with your baby registry, be sure to download my free Baby Registry Checklist. This is the ultimate registry checklist with all of the products you will need for this new stage of life with a newborn baby, and it will help you avoid some of the following baby registry mistakes made by new moms.

Common baby registry mistakes to avoid

  1. Not doing enough research: A good place to start with creating a baby registry is to talk with friends and family about their favorite must-have and must-not-have baby products. Sites like Babylist have recommendations for almost every product out there but I personally enjoy hearing from other moms and dads so I read through product reviews on Amazon or Target. I believe this mistake can be avoided by starting your registry early and allowing yourself enough time to actually do the research you need to do. Baby products are a big investment and you want to be sure that the products you choose meet your' family’s needs for budget, space, lifestyle, and projected family growth.

  2. Going too gender specific: If you are finding out the sex of your baby, I know it can be tempting to buy super cute girly things or masculine boy things. However, please think carefully about your long-term plans for growing your family. Are you planning to have more children in the near future? If so, going gender neutral on medium to high priced items can help you avoid having to buy a whole new lot of baby items for your next child. For example, if you plan to get a baby play gym or pack ‘n play, go with a neutral color like beige or gray unless you truly believe that in 3 years you will not care that your son is riding around in the pink stroller you picked out for your first daughter.

  3. Not registering for enough items at a a variety of price points: Consider the size of your baby shower guest list when creating your baby registry. Be sure to add enough items at a variety of price points so that people have choices when picking out a gift for you. Group gifting is a great option for high ticket items, but try not to go overboard here. I have found that most people like to purchase their own physical gift that they can bring to the baby shower to give to you. This means you should aim to have a larger quantity of items in the low to medium price range.

  4. Adding too much clothing: The issue with this, is again, who doesn’t love buying tiny clothes?? Generally speaking, when there are a lot of baby outfits on your registry there is a high likelihood that people will choose cute clothing over boring baby essentials like diapers, bottles, and feeding supplies. I get it’s super exciting to stroll through the baby clothing section at Target and picture your precious baby in that adorable little outfit, but try to focus on what you will need for your baby and encourage your guests to purchase those items. I recommend sticking to the basics for clothing. Depending on the time of year your baby is born, a few outfits or onesies/pants in both newborn and 0-3 months sizes will be sufficient for your registry. More than likely people will still gift you baby clothes for your shower or after the baby arrives.

  5. Ignoring future needs: Babies grow so quickly. When creating your baby registry, make sure to not only add items you will need for the newborn stage but also within the first year of your baby’s life. Thinking long term can help you save hundreds of dollars with your registry discount and it’s less you have to worry about later when you’re baby is here. I have a post on the Top Items I’d Put On My Baby Registry Again where I talk about my seven favorite and most recommended products for a baby registry that I feel like I couldn’t have done the newborn stage without or that I’m still using and loving into the toddler stage.

By avoiding these common mistakes and carefully curating your baby registry, you can make the process smoother for both you and your gift-givers while ensuring you have everything you need for your new baby. You got this, Mama!

Save Time and Jump Start Your Baby Registry with my Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist

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