Top Must Have Items I’d Put On My Baby Registry Again

top must have items for baby registry

We have now been through the infant stage and are moving to the toddler stage with baby #1, and are preparing for baby #2 this winter. This has me thinking a lot about what I plan to buy a second or more of, and what I plan to use or not use again. While there are a lot of baby products I really love, these are the items I put on my baby registry that I most recommend to other first time moms creating their own baby registry. Some of these products I truly feel like I couldn’t have done the newborn stage without and then others are products that I’m still using and loving into the toddler stage.

Note: Some of the links below are affiliate links but all of the opinions are my own. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I’m referring you to my favorite things and other top recommendations for Moms. By you shopping through these links I may collect a small commission without you paying a penny more. I greatly appreciate your support of me, my family, and this blog!

If you are a new mom preparing for your first baby, make sure to get my baby registry list. While a lot of other checklists I see on the internet are very generic, list has item by item every baby product you will need as a first time mom bringing a new baby home. I wish someone had given me a list like this when I was creating my baby registry, which is why I created it for you. You’ll want this one!

My top must haves for a baby registry

  1. Keekaroo changing pad - I understand this is a little pricier than a standard changing pad, but when you consider the price of a standard changing pad and purchasing a couple of covers you’re getting close to the price of the Keekaroo. Plus this thing is so much easier to clean! You just wipe it down with a baby wipe. No extra laundry? Yes please, sign me up. I have seen some negative reviews online about staining, but ours still looks nearly new after a year and a half. Even my husband agrees that this is one of his favorite baby products.

  2. Muslin washcloths - Muslin everything! I hadn’t considered getting muslin washcloths but a friend recommended these to me as one of her favorite baby items. These washcloths really are so soft and gentle. We use them for bath time and for cleaning face and hands after meals.

  3. Dual car seat cover / nursing cover - Option 1. Option 2. I kept this in the diaper bag and used it all of the time, typically as a nursing cover but also as a car seat cover when needed. It provides good coverage as a nursing cover. Ada was a distracted eater and this cover helped create a dark calm space for her to focus on eating instead of everything else going on.

  4. Frida Mom upside down peri bottle - Sure you won’t use this past the first couple of weeks but take it from me, you need it. The hospital provided a peri bottle but its right-side up, which makes it difficult to use especially right after you gave birth. The Frida Mom was way easier to use and I definitely plan to bring it with me again to the hospital this time.

  5. Portable sound machine - Yogasleep (what we have). Hatch Rest Go. This was great for travel and just for everyday car rides. We would keep it on baby’s car seat during the newborn stage and turn it on whenever she got fussy in the car. It was also useful to have whenever we were out and about to turn on if she had fallen asleep in the car on the way or if she needed to take a nap at a friend’s house.

  6. Storage totes - Yes, I know this is an odd one and not something you typically think about putting on a baby registry, but babies grow out of clothes so fast! It was nice to already have these on hand to put outgrown clothes and shoes in and extra baby items I wasn’t ready to use yet. I find that 30 quart storage totes work well for shoes and 64 to 70 quart totes work well for storing baby clothes and other items.

  7. Blooming bath lotus baby bath seat - I found this comforting to have during bath time. You essentially just sit the soft lotus on top of your plastic baby bath seat and it keeps baby from slipping. We used this well through the newborn stage.

I share this list because I know all of the vast choices of baby products can feel overwhelming. Ask your friends and family what their top three favorite baby items were, do your own research, and ultimately choose the baby products that you believe will best suit you and your baby’s needs.

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