My Baby Prep Journey: 34 weeks Pregnant

Wow, I truly can’t believe we are already approaching baby #2’s due date! This pregnancy has really flown by. It took us a year and a half to get pregnant with Ada so in a way I had a couple of years to mentally prepare for her arrival. This pregnancy happened pretty quickly for us, which we are incredible grateful for - thank you, God! We were renovating our current house when I found out I was pregnant so I think that combined with having a toddler who keeps us on our toes has made this pregnancy seem to go by much faster. While I’m on my own pregnancy journey, I thought it’d be fun to share what I’m up to the last few weeks as we prepare to bring home another sweet baby.

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Baby Prep

This past week I’ve really tried to get organized. I will say I am far less ahead of things than I was with baby #1. I guess that’s what happens when you have a toddler too! Ada is a big “helper” and loooooves babies so I have tried to involve her in the baby prepping as much as possible. I’ve been getting things out slowly so that it won’t feel like too much change for her all at once. So far, we’ve gotten out our swing and the infant lounger for her to use with her baby doll before the baby comes. She is doing very well practicing her big sister role!

I’ve also gotten all of my newborn sized baby clothes washed up. We still don’t know if we’re having a boy or girl so I had to get both the girl and boy clothes out. To prep for the last baby I washed both newborn and 0-3 month sized clothes ahead of time, but Ada ended up only weighing 6 lbs. 7 oz. and needed preemie clothes to start (which I never imaged delivering at nearly full term!). In my head I’m banking on a small baby again, which is why I only got out the newborn sized clothes this time. I also bought a few more footies from Old Navy in the up to 7 lbs. size this Black Friday and plan to bring those with the hospital to me in addition to the knotted gowns and swaddles I bought from Lou Lou & Company, which are my absolute favorite!

What do we think - are we team boy or team girl??

Baby Laundry was top of mind this week. I also washed up the random baby things like the cover on my bouncer, my Solly Baby wrap, and sheets for the Newton Baby crib mattress and bassinet. I set up the bassinet this week and it was super easy (almost doable without my husband ha!). We had a different bassinet for Ada but didn’t love it so we are trying the Newton for baby #2.

If you’d like to know everything I’ve done to prepare for baby so far check out the Baby Prep Toolkit. These are the baby planning tools I created for Mamas help get ready for a new baby. I’ve been using the BPT myself as I get ready for baby #2, moving through the timeline and checklist to make sure I’m not missing anything and moving at a steady pace. Baby prep can get overwhelming; I seriously wish I had the BPT for my first baby!

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    Christmas Decorating

    I also put up my Christmas tree this week. I’m usually not a Christmas before Thanksgiving girlie but the tummy is getting larger and it’s getting much harder to bend over and around things! So the Christmas tree went up early. I even did a small tree for Ada’s room and it’s he cutest thing. She picked out pink and gold glitter “fufferflies” (butterflies) for her tree, an elephant, and a swan. I got everything at Walmart except for the blush chiffon ribbon that I ordered from Amazon. I’m so happy we did a tree for her this year; it brings her so much joy! Isn’t it adorable? We love pink around here!

    I just turned 35 weeks and I’m starting to prep my postpartum care station so that I have everything I need ready and accessible for when we get back home from the hospital. We’ll see what else I get checked off the list this week; stay tuned for my preparing for baby updates!


    My Baby Prep Journey: 35 Weeks Pregnant


    Best Baby Deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2023