My Baby Prep Journey: 36 Weeks Pregnant

Note: Some of the links below are affiliate links but all of the opinions are my own. I’m referring you to my favorite things and other top recommendations for Moms. By you shopping through these links I may collect a small commission without you paying a penny more. I greatly appreciate your support of me, my family, and this blog!

36 Week Prenatal Appointment and Ultrasound

This was a big week because we got to see baby through a 3D ultrasound! Baby had the its hands squishing up its cheeks and the plumpest little baby lips. No dilation or effacement for me yet. With Ada I was dilated to a 3 at week 36 but stayed there for 3 weeks…and then into hours of labor…it wasn’t until I got my epidural that I started to progress. So even though dilation and effacement are signs of labor it definitely doesn’t mean everything. We’ll see when this baby decides to make their appearance. If he or she is anything like Ada, it has a mind of its own! We are looking forward to meeting that sweet little face in a few short weeks!!

Baby Prep, Preparing for Baby, Maternity Outfits

Baby Prep

I am checking off some of the final to-do’s in the third trimester checklist of the Baby Prep Toolkit, including ordering my breast pump, stocking up on household essentials, washing up my nursing bras, and sanitizing all of my breastfeeding and pumping supplies. We moved into a new house this year so next on my list is to get all of my pump parts, bottles, and other baby items put away and organized in my kitchen.

I also stocked up on my favorite tummy butter from The Spoiled Mama to prepare for the rest of pregnancy and postpartum. This tummy butter and stretch mark oil are my favorite products to help help prevent and treat stretch marks during pregnancy. I used all throughout my first pregnancy and postpartum and have done the same for this pregnancy. I swear by this stuff!

Ordering My Breast Pump

I finally got to order my breast pump this past week! Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), health insurance companies are required to provide a breast pump and supplies to expecting and breastfeeding moms. However, because exact coverage for type and cost of pump is not dictated by the ACA, coverage varies greatly plan by plan. This is why it's important for you to understand your personal health insurance coverage and how to get your breast pump through your insurer. I walk through step by step instructions for ordering your breast pump in the Baby Prep Toolkit and even include the exact questions to ask your health insurer so you can make sure you get the most out of your insurance coverage and time.

For my first pregnancy I got the Spectra® S1 Plus rechargeable double electric breast pump. I loved this pump. It has a built-in rechargeable battery so that you can take and use it on the go. This time I decided to try the Spectra S9 portable rechargeable breast pump. From what I’ve researched it has the same pumping power as the S1 but it’s smaller and more portable. It was recommended to me by a friend so I decided to give it a try this time around. I still have my S1 that I can use in case I don’t love the S9, along with my new MomCozy M5, Elvie pump, and Lansinoh manual pump.

FYI - it is definitely not necessary to have more than one pump. If you are looking for one primary breast pump, I recommend getting a double electric breast pump like the Spectra S1 or S9. Double electric breast pumps are designed to closely mimic your baby’s suction and have the appropriate suction power for building and maintaining your milk supply. My electric pump is always the quickest and most reliable for emptying me because of the extra suction power.

Stocking Up On Household Essentials

I also took the time this week to utilize the household essentials checklist in the Baby Prep Toolkit. It was so easy to use the checklist as I walked through and checked our pantry, kitchen supplies, laundry supplies, and toiletries. I was able to get to the store for anything I needed to stock up on before baby. Once baby arrives there are much more important priorities than shopping for foundation. Life is busy as a new mom!

If you’re starting to nest and looking for what to prioritize in getting prepped for baby, make sure to check out this guide, 5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Prepare for Your Newborn Baby, which has practical steps and helpful tips to get you organized and ready to bring home baby.

Top 10 Pumping Hacks to Save Time, Gain Freedom, and Increase Milk Supply

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    My Baby Prep Journey: Weeks 37 & 38


    My Baby Prep Journey: 35 Weeks Pregnant