Tummy Time for Your Baby

newborn baby tummy time

If you’re a new mom preparing for a baby or you have a newborn already, you know there’s a lot to learn. One of the things I was unsure of as a first time mom was tummy time. I had questions like, “when should I start doing tummy time?” “how often should I be doing tummy time?”, and “how do I play with my baby during tummy time?”. This post will walk you through all of these questions and hopefully make you more confident doing tummy time with your baby.

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What is Tummy Time and Benefits

Tummy time is placing your baby on their belly to play for a period of time, and is important for your baby’s growth and development. Placing your baby on their tummy allows them to strengthen their neck, back, arm, and shoulder muscles that support lifting up their head, crawling, and sitting up. This time also helps prevent flat spots on your baby’s head.

When to Start Tummy Time

You can begin tummy time as soon as your bring your baby home from the hospital.

Tummy Time Positioning

  • A good way to start tummy time for your new baby is by laying them on your chest and allowing your baby to lift and move their head.

  • Lay your baby across your lap or hold them in a football or superman hold.

  • Place your baby on their stomach on the floor.

  • Use a nursing pillow such as the Boppy to prop your baby up.

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    How Long to Do Tummy Time

    Start with 1-2 minutes of tummy time 2-3 times a day. You should work towards longer periods of time as your baby gets bigger and stronger. Tummy time will take place during your baby’s wake windows. Wondering how to structure your baby’s day around their sleep and feedings? Make sure you read this post - Conquering Outings with Your Baby.

    What to Do During Tummy Time

    This is a good time to talk to your baby and make eye contact. You canIt’s also incorporate books or toys to support play and learning. Here are a few of my favorites to support tummy time. Be sure to add these to your baby registry (get my free baby registry checklist here).

    • Lovevery Play Gym - has different play areas that support your baby’s development through the first year. I bought ours off of Facebook Marketplace. I love the versatility but also the simplicity of this play gym. It does not have a lot of lights and sounds but rather encourages your baby to explore, discover, and play on their own. I also think it's super cute!

    • Tummy Time Water Mat - develops fine motor skills, hand and eye coordination

    • High Contrast Book - supports cognitive development

    • Rattle - encourages reaching and grasping

    My Baby Hates Tummy Time - What Do I Do?

    It’s completely normal for you baby to act like they hate tummy time - crying, screaming, fussing - all very normal. It can be frustrating for your baby to not be able to lift their head yet and see what’s in front of them. One way to combat the fussiness is to do fussy time on your chest and lap as mentioned above. That way, your baby is close to you and can easily see and communicate with you. Stick to short tummy time sessions, around the1-2 minute mark until your baby gains more strength and can look and move around on their belly.


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