The 5 Products You'll Use Most During The First Week With A Newborn

newborn essentials, preparing for baby

Do you ever feel like there are just so many baby products? As a first time mom preparing for a new baby, it can be hard to know what you're actually going to use right away vs. what might take some time for your baby to grow into. The first week home with a baby there’s not a lot you need. During that time you’ll be focused on your postpartum recovery and learning to breastfeed, while adjusting to life with a little one. Here are the top baby products you’ll likely use most during week one with a newborn.

Note: Some of the links below are affiliate links but all of the opinions are my own. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I’m referring you to my favorite things and other top recommendations for Moms. By you shopping through these links I may collect a small commission without you paying a penny more. I greatly appreciate your support of me, my family, and this blog!

Newborn Baby Must Haves

  1. Swaddle Blankets - Our first was never a great sleeper so in my desperate state of sleep deprivation I ordered a ton of swaddles to try: everything from the easy velcro swaddles to arms up swaddles. I’ve aways come back to traditional swaddles for the newborn phase. Lou Lou & Company newborn swaddles are the highest quality I’ve come across. They are super stretchy and soft, which is important for a good swaddle.

  2. Two-Way Zippered Footies- For the newborn phase, I am all about the two-way zippered footies for both night and day wear. Onesies are hard to get over a tiny baby’s head and arms and I don’t love pants that are tight around their little bellies. Plus, you are constantly changing diapers and zippered footies make that process so much easier! My personal favorites are Kyte Baby Footies because they are super soft and I find them to fit our babies best during the newborn phase.

  3. Burp Clothes - Whether you are breastfeeding or feeding formula, you’re going to want lots and lots of soft muslin burp cloths and keep them everywhere - in the nursery drawer, nursing cart, living room, car, etc.

  4. Sound Machine - Having a toddler who doesn’t quite understand how to whisper yet, I love the Hatch Rest Sound Machine for the ability to adjust the volume level and light from my phone. If the toddler starts getting loud I can easily turn the sound machine sound up so we (hopefully) don’t wake the baby.

  5. Infant Lounger - Highly recommend having some sort of baby lounger so you have a safe space to set baby whenever you need to be hands free. Obviously the baby’s bassinet or crib works too but I like having a couple of baby items that you can move around the house with you. For example, to the kitchen if you need to cook or do dishes or to the bathroom while you shower. We have used both the DockATot and the Snuggle Me Infant Lounger. I really like the Snuggle Me for the newborn phase but the DockATot is better apt to grow with your baby. I don’t think you need both; just pick whichever you like.

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